The Urban Bootcamp

The Urban Bootcamp

For whom? Hyperactive gals who really have a hard time concentrating during a Yoga class.

The pitch: You enter the room, lights are dimmed, Emmanuel, the teacher, arrives on the scene and guides you during the entire session with motivating music in the background. Then begins the commando operation that is based on military training. Get ready for a series of rhythmical squats and other cardio exercises before the group is separated in two with alternating exercises on treadmills and step machines. You finish the session with stretching movement and the super pleasant sensation of having really burned calories as well as worked your butt off—literally!

Tops who attend: Katie Holmes, Kim Kardashian

When and where? Midtown Studio, during the week at 8am, 9am, 12h30pm, 6:45pm and 7:30pm. On the week-end at 10am and 11:30am.

© bootcampmidtown

The week of Do It