Products to banish absolutely

Les Produits A Bannir Absolument

To be banished absolutely: all the hair mousses that are filled with alcohol, that will make your hair dull and eventually splits the ends.

Heating devices that burn hair, just try them on your skin... Well it’s immediate, your skin blisters, your hair burns and breaks off the same way!  All the serums!! Serums were the revolution of the 90s just when silicone was invading all the products. Their marketing did a very good job calling this category of product: "Serums" because this word leads you to believe it’s a treatment product. And it’s not at all the case!!! Applied daily on dry or wet hair, serums create a real barrier that will end up smothering the hair…

To be banished also, anti-dandruff shampoos that are much too abrasive and absolutely not necessary on streaked or colored hair.

The week of Do It