Margot’s ideal wax for dummies

Ciredivine Princ1

At the beginning of Spring, I start off with a good waxing of my legs in a beauty institute.

To stay absolutely tops, I do a touch up every 10-15 days at home with a terrific wax in a jar that takes 20 seconds to heat up in a micro-wave then cools down as soon as it is applied on the leg.

We adore: an easy to remove was that does not require using an additional strip. It’s really the ideal wax for dummies who want to wax their legs at home.

Its high added value: a very discrete and easy technique in case you need an urgent waxing. In short "the" ideal small product you always need to have in your toiletry case for lover’s weekend or for the holidays.

NAIR Cire Divine, between 8 and 12

The week of Do It