A top notch wardrobe sale: Violette Sauvage

Violette sauvage wardrobe sale

This is sure to send arty fashonistas into a tizzy this weekend. The hottest wardrobe of the moment is opening inside the new Carreau du Temple.

On the program: trendy fashion selections and pieces by young designers with lots of different styles. From Louboutin to Carven including H&M… a real treasure trove.

Good news for penniless fashionistas, there are price tags for every budget featuring treasures for just a few euros…For sure you can find the rare pearl at a soft price.

Saturday 3 May from 11am to 9pm.

Entrance: 2 €

Where to find it?

Violette sauvage

4, rue Eugène Spuller

75003 Paris


Republique Republique

Temple Temple

Republique Republique

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