Sit down on an imaginary chair and to the « squat jump »

S Asseoir Sur Une Chaise Imaginaire Et Cedez Au Squatt Jump Phot

Slowly do the movement of sitting down in a chair with your heels well implanted on the floor, your back nice and straight without leaning forward too much.

Slowly go back to an upright position. Start again 15 times.

The ideal? After just a few weeks, switch to the « Squat jump ». Punctuate each movement of imaginary chair with a jump arms up towards the sky to increase the vascular frequency. It elongates muscles.

Also discover the real tips of Do it Girls for to slim down quickly for Spring

Where to find it?

Usine opera

8, rue de la Michodière

75002 Paris

01 42 66 30 30

Pyramides Pyramides

Quatre Septembre Quatre Septembre

Opera Opera

The week of Do It