Make-up mistakes to be avoided

Les Erreurs Make Up A Ne Pas Commettre

Never use a night treatment with oil. If you apply oil on the fact at night time, the skin gets used to us, becomes lazy and expects more products. This is why Dr. Hauschka night creams are without oil.

Also, you should stop scrubs, because the skin is perfectly capable of rejecting dead cells on it’s own. I haven’t done a face scrub since two years and my skin is a lot less dry.

99% of women think their skin is sensitive and yet they undergo harmful peelings that deregulated the natural functioning of the skin. On the spur of the moment, they have the impression their skin is clean and clear, but two days after, the skin has created a new layer, forcing to start all over again which creates an addiction.

It’s like the hard skin on the feet, when you cut it, it just grows back even more.

The week of Do It