The recipe of small shortbread cookies by Alain Ducasse

Recette Petit Nicolas

Only Alain Ducasse would dare to interpret the recipes of the Petit Nicolas. #madeleinedeproust in an amazing book, “Le Petit Nicolas et Alain Ducasse font des gâteaux” published by Editions IMAV and Alain Ducasse.

Read in The Petit Nicolas book by René Goscinny: « I like Alceste, but his hands are always greasy or sticky, depending on what he is eating. Today I was lucky: his hands were dry. « What are you eating, Alceste ? », I asked him. « Dry biscuits », he answered, throwing lots of crumbs in my face.»

And this inspired our leading French chef ! “Small shortbread cookies wit jam, that stick somewhat to fingers and that one shares with friends at recess, is really the best snack!”. So if you have a sweet tooth, the great Ducasse is offering to gourmet Parisiennes this fetish recipe for the holidays...


Preparation: 25 min, baking: 15 min, at rest: 15 min


Preheat the oven to 160 °C (th. 5/6). In a pastry blender or with a hand whip, work the butter until it’s supple and smooth. Sift the flour, potato flour and the glazed sugar. Add the egg and mix until the dough is smooth and homogenous. Form a ball.

Divide the dough into two equal shares. Spread with a pastry pin between two sheets of baking paper, one 3 mm thick and the other 5 mm.

With a 4 cm diameter cookie cutter, cut up the thicker dough. Then remove the middle with a small 3 cm diameter tip.

Flatten the thinner pastry, cut it up with the 4 cm diameter cookie cutter. Then place the ring on the 4 cm disks, if need be, cut again with the 4cm cutter.

Place the small biscuits on a plaque covered with baking paper and allow to cool down 15 min in the refrigerator. Bake for 15 min. Allow to cool down again and stuff the biscuits with jam.

Small tips from Alain Ducasse that make the difference? “Choose a good jam to garnish the small butter cookies. My favourite: those be Francis Miot, Christine Ferber, Stephan Perrotte. But your Granny’s home-made jam will be just as perfect!”

livre le petit nicolas alain ducasse

Also discover the recipe for apricot barquettes and the macaroons of Alain Ducasse.

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Shortbread biscuits

120 g of butter

200 g of flour

15 g of potato flour

80 g of glazing sugar

1/2 egg

Good jam

The week of Do It