The Grand Return of The Ten Commandments at La Seine Musicale

Love is so simple! After a tour across France, the new version of The Ten Commandments, The Desire to Love, finally returns to Paris at La Seine Musicale. Twenty-four years after the first performance, this modern take on the story of Moses evokes even more emotion following the 2022 death of Daniel Lévi, the star singer of the original musical.


A Reunion 24 Years in the Making

Spectacles Les 10 commandements

For those who missed their religious studies: The Ten Commandments tells the story of Moses and the exodus of the Jewish people from Egypt. From his abandonment by his mother on the Nile, the murder of an Egyptian overseer mistreating Hebrew slaves, to God delivering the Tablets of the Law to the shepherd to guide the Jews, the musical traces the entire biblical narrative. With powerful songs written by Pascal Obispo, Lionel Florence, and Patrice Guirao, now classics, including "Mon frère" and "L’envie d’aimer," the latter now performed by the entire troupe featuring the new Moses, Benjamin Bocconi, discovered on The Voice, along with David Lempell (Ramses), Awa Sy (Bithia), and Tony Bredelet (Joshua).


A Spectacular Show

“Everything has been modernized,” Pascal Obispo announces on stage before the launch: The Ten Commandments, The Desire to Love is brought up to date with new technologies and the staging by Giuliano Peparini. No worries for purists: the same magic is present. Among the troupe, 26 dancers perform stunning choreography, their flowing costumes giving the impression of floating on stage. Astonishingly, their energy never wanes during the 2.5-hour performance.

As for the sets, there are virtually none, as images are projected onto multiple screens. The result? The audience is immersed in ancient Egypt among the pyramids, the Red Sea, the desert, and the temples through spectacular scenes (the ten plagues of Egypt and the battle between Moses and Ramses are particularly breathtaking)! We won’t spoil more to let you rediscover this exceptional show that leaves you with songs in your head and stars in your eyes!

Also check out 3 one-(wo)man shows currently running and 3 Molière-nominated plays still on stage.

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