Step 2 : Being able to trace the line

Etape 2 Avoir Les Bons Reperes Pour Baliser La Ligne

A pretty eyebrow requires a perfect line: neither too long, nor too short. To pluck without messing up, there are points of references that allow you to adapt the size of the eyebrow depending on each person’s face.

Use a pen. Place it diagonally at the edge of the nostril, using the outside corner of the eye to trace the end of the eyebrow. Eliminate the hairs that stretch out towards the temple.

Place it vertically against the wings of the nose. If in principle, you can get rid without any risk of all the hair that go beyond on the forehead, the bushy Cara style eyebrow slightly overflows.

Regarding eyebrow thickness the idea here is to have a maximum of matter. Remove just the basic necessity, that is to say the hairs that really go over the lines of the natural tracing.

The week of Do It