A girly winter sports raid

Un Raid Girly Aux Sports Dhiver

There’s going to be action for Indiana Jones gals wearing stilettos, a fun and 100% feminine orientation course will be taking place on March 28th in Risoul. Think of reserving your participation number .

The Hautes-Alpes mountain resort will be the playing field of 500 gals divided into pairs. So come along with your BFF, sister or mother-in-law, equipped with a map of the town and a road-book, you will be meeting a series of various challenges (cultural questions, sports challenges, knowledge tests …).

We like: a really thrilling life-sized game at the frontier between Pékin Express and Fort Boyard (creepy crawlers are on the program). A must to exercise and stay "fit" in a joyful way.

Tip? If you need a little help during the course, don’t hesitate to use your charms and ask for help from the local inhabitants…

What about non skiers? They are most welcome, there are even some missions reserved for them.

Great, after this physical effort comes a moment of comfort, dinner and a party are planned that evening.

Pop in the city, March 28th 2015 in Risoul. Course and dinner 195€, course only 160€

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