Top secret private sales

Petite Mendigote

Shhh! We have found for you two huge scoops that should delight just as much, or even more than the launch of the latest Netflix series. Keep this to yourself,  natch…

Scoop n°1. Petite Mendigote, the brand of trendy Parisiennes, is organizing an exceptional sale at an insider price until Saturday. And that’s not all.  The cult label Mont-Saint Michel and the designer of boho jewellery, Louise Hendricks, are also part of the action. Keep calm, don’t scream, somebody could notice you.

So what us for grabs ? The ideal wardrobe of the Parisienne and all the accessories that go with it.

From the stylish coat to a very cute knit pullover, from the trendy camera bag to a tote for all your files, including high-heel shoes and boyish boots. In short, everything you need to update your wardrobe without having to call up your banker for a loan.

Scene of the crime? A confidential passageway nestled a skip and a hop from the Opéra at 12 passage Choiseul 75002. From Wednesday the 16th of Friday the 18th of November from 10 am to 8pm, Saturday the 19th of November from 10 am to 5pm.

Scoop n°2. As for Extreme Cashmere, the Dutch label for great cashmere, they are softening the prices of their soft pullover during an events sale in the Marais. Hurray, you will never be cold again.

Rendezvous at the Opening Soon Gallery (3, rue Portefoin 75003 Paris) Friday the 18th and Saturday the 19th of November from 10 am to 7pm, Sunday the 20th of November from 11am to 3pm.


Also discover where to rent stylish clothing and deluxe designer brands in Paris.

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