How to avoid burning out the beginning of the year in beauty ?

Rentree Beaute Sept 2017

Do not hit rock bottom before the start of the fall … Follow the To Do List of healthy tricks, slow life reflexes and professional advice to adopt right away so you can keep the benefits of the holidays and discipline yourself without feeling too much pressure.

Get into sauna

sauna fille detente

The reality. Getting back to work, you rush through meetings, you agree to too many dinner parties on top of the kids going back to school. In short : it gets much harder to exercise and keep up with the detox efforts from the holidays. “But, September- October : it is THE detox period to not miss, going back to zero, as explained by Anne Claire Meret, naturopath et author of Le cahier détox pour les nuls (The detox notebook for dummies) from First which is full of clever advice for working girls.

The proper reflex. “Sauna enable the organism to detoxify itself in depth and is also an excellent way to sweat when one does not exercise enough” explains Anne Claire Meret. In short : the superb routine that gets rid of toxins, enhances blood circulation, relaxes the muscles, boosts the immune system, decreases join stiffness et helps to stop cogitate.

To know. In order to properly work, follow certain rules : before the start, take a shower without wetting the hair, stay 8 to 15 inside the sauna, take a mandatory cool shower right after and repeat this twice before resting for a good hour. Do not drink water during but after the sauna…

Where to practice ? Le Centre Nature, 83 bis Rue la Fayette, 75009 Paris

cahier detox pour les nuls anne claire meret

Le cahier Détox pour les Nuls, éditions Broché by Anne-Claire MERET

Swap the “one-too-many get-together” for an evening of massage.

massage detente fille

For real. “The Friday night get-together between friends to celebrate the end of the week is the perfect alibi to drink rounds of rosé in order to drop the pressure from the week. The result : every Saturday morning, I’m burned-out for soreness, explains Laure, commercial executive, 31 years old. I’m prone to skip the gym for a burger-brunch… Everything to not do, but it’s so tempting.”

The proper reflex. To take care of yourself et take a break between the week and the week-end is a decompression chamber on Friday ( not much more expensive than a wine and dine super…) by giving yourself a real therapeutic massage like the extraordinary 4 season care from Lanqi Spa which offers Chinese ancestral massages that heal all the booboos from stressed out Parisian girls…

To know. Thanks to this Tuina massage, your body’s humidity is evacuated, the number 1 enemy before the start of the fall, which associated with the wind, cold weather or an heavy nutrition, provokes an overabundance of toxins which triggers physical and intellectual fatigue. This protocol of care, specifically tailored from traditional Chinese medicine focuses on the stimulation of 10 meridian points from head to toes, which detoxifies, reboots all energies, digestion and blood circulation. You will get out light and serene. All that is left to do is rush to bed. Next morning : you will have the fresh skin tone and the humour of a young blossoming lady.

Where to go ? 1 hour massage : €76. At the Lanqi Spa in Neuilly, Paris 7e and Paris 15e.

All information on :

Find “your” way to meditate

meditation jardin des tuileries emma sawko

For real. Meditation in theory, why not… But how to start, especially when we do not know to practice yoga…

The proper reflex. Follow the advice from Emma Swko, founder of the juice bars Wild and The Moon, mother and fierce entrepreneur. “I was hyperactive for a long time, without knowing how to stop and take some time for myself. Today I deeply feel the need to root myself more in the present. However, I do not know how to stay put, sit in a lotus position and focus on my breathing. My personal meditation is to find a piece of nature near me, take a walk, breath deeply, and cross the Tuilerie gardens after work.”

Eagerly take on a Miam Ô Fruit : the new superfood breakfast

miam aux fruits

For real. Morning rush and complicated awakening, it is far from evident to keep making healthy breakfasts full of fruits and vitamines that avoid breaking mid-morning or during lunch break for agreeable “fat-butt” snacks.

The proper reflex. The idea is to intake a lot of vitality in the morning, explain naturopath Anne-Claire Meret. The top from the top : the famous Miam Ô Fruit that is used and abused by the bests. The recipe : crush half a banana. Add 2 spoons of colza oil + 1 spoon of raw, non toasted sesame oil. Incorporate 1 spoon of thinly crushed lin seeds + 1 spoon of your choice of seeds (walnut, hazelnut, pumpkin seeds) + 2 coffee spoons of fresh lemon juice.

To know. “We add superfoods in order to boosts its effects”, recommends Anne-Claire Meret.

• Pollen : excellent during the fall to reinforce the instestinal flower and the body’s immune system. Orders and information on :

• Maca : adaptative plant that manages the back-to-work stress, to take over 6 weeks in order to get over the worst. Orders and information on

• Raw cocoa or “caroube” (similar taste to cocoa), if you cannot avoid chocolat in the morning ! Excellent anti-oxydants, dynamism injectants, they warm-up the heart and the temperature drops. Orders and info at :

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