Top Chef Sarah Mainguy's salad is making the buzz on Insta!

Recette Sarah Mainguy

This summer, the new Top Chef promo is rocking Paris with new addresses. After Mohamed Cheikh at the Jardin des Plantes and Chloé Charles at the Carnavalet Museum , it's Sarah Mainguy's turn to sign the highly delicious menu of her ephemeral address called Grand Vacarme .

Instead, aim for his crazy green bean salad in which hides a little robot milk and liquid cream for the ultimate smoothness. Honestly: we had never tasted such a good one. Here is the recipe to keep safe.


200 g green beans

200 g of potato

200 g butter

1/2 lemon thyme

80 g anchovies

200 g ribot milk

400g liquid cream

3 cloves of garlic

300 g green beans

Neutral oil

½ flat parsley


Blanch the green beans and reserve half for the plate.

Cook the potatoes .

Mix the grilled green beans and pass through a sieve .

Mix with the potato and whisk in the butter .

To prepare the sauce, heat the liquid cream , the lemon t hymn and the flat parsley . Mix with the anchovies and the garlic cloves .

Add buttermilk .

Mix the oil, the lemon thyme and the flat parsley , to pass through the Chinese .

Cool on ice and collect the oil. Discard the bottom.


© albindurand


Also discover the top chef Chloé Charles gives us her secret recipe and how to copy the shakshuka of the Dalia restaurant .

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