The best street food recipes in Paris

Le Best Of Des Recettes Street Food A Paris

When a snacking connoisseur, becomes a restaurateur himself (Le Chéri-Bibi, La Famille, Le Cul de poule, and more recently Mmmozza that’s him), selects street food and take out addresses in Paris, it becomes a gourmet city-guide.

Add signature recipes for each venue and you will obtain the bible of quick nibbles.

Soon to be ours, the famous steamed dumplings of Mum Dim Su, the panini of the Pressing trendy team, wild tacos from the Cantine California food truck or vanilla pastry puffs by Popelini and a real Moka like at the Coutume Café.

And also: the book « Mmmozza », 30 sweet and salty recipes made with mozzarella.


Street Food by Yannig Samot, Editions Hachette Cuisine, 148 pages, 22,50 €


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