My «fat melting» operation

Operation Fonte Des Graisses

With my man, we lived off « love and pizzas ». In one year, I put on almost 10kg, and really looked awful. Starting at the beginning of January 2013, I decided to change everything (my state of mind, what I ate). At the end of 2013, I had lost 12kg.

Dietetic notions are the key to success. It is also important to learn about one’s self, I know that in my case, eating starchy foods at night prevented me from loosing weight. And if I must eat something with fat content, it’s better to do it at lunch time.

Finally, it’s important to take your time, because loosing weight is a long process. I lost 1kg per month, but one year and a half afterwards, I have not put a single gram back on.  With a little willpower, each and every one can reach their goals.

The week of Do It