Frichti x BienDansMonSlip : the collab to order aasap


Drum roll. Parisiennes, you no longer have to choose between your silhouette and a nice foodporn dish on your app when you are suffering from hunger pangs…

Bingo ! Frichti has teamed up with the super cool Margot of the YouMakeFashion blog and BienDansMonSlip Instagram account to imagine a healthy and very gourmet à la carte collaboration on the app. The author of the best seller book "Je suis Healthy" has imagined small dishes for Frichti.

Think no further: order eyes closed a formula elaborated and tested by Margot, if one judges from the dream-like boy of this ultra-inspiring gal !

On the menu : every day a formula at €13.90 with a starter and a dish that change every day, + a healthy snack. And of course, a dish that never goes over 500 kcal, a great balance ( 50% veggies 25% proteines 25% starch and non oily cooking. Your bikini-body is behind the door.

Your mouth is watering ? Houmous of beets; tagliatelli of veggies, green bowl and chicken noodles teriyaki

We adore: the gift with the summer program formula: an excerpt from Margot’s book is slipped inside the order.

All the info on :

Also discover the green bowl of Youmakefashion and the best spring rolls in Paris.

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