Tome 7, the best bookshop in Paris

Tome 7 bookstore

Right on track. Implaned in the area since thirty years, the arrival of 2.0 contenders and the reign of the all mighty Amazon did not set this prescriber bookshop off track. So there !

Its claim to fame ? Distillate hundreds of books, in every style, shape and form (coffee table books, BD, manga, youth…), around an intelligent, well aimed selection, assorted with 100% personal advice.

So what are their latest recommendatons? Je me suis tue by Mathieu Menegaux (Editions Grasset) : “a punchy book that leaves to one indifferent”. Chanson Douce by Leïla Slimani (Editions Gallimard) : “a dramatic  and bewitching nursery song that reads like a thriller”.

Tops aslo, the site that gives access to even more references.


Open every day from 9:30am to 6:30pm except on Sunday

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Where to find it?

Tome 7

81, rue Saint-Dominique

75007 paris

La Tour-maubourg La Tour-maubourg

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