How to (finally) write a first novel?

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If you always dreamt of writing your own book, Sandra, one of our literary coaches, has two simple pieces of advice: read and dream!

Only read what you like. If a novel bores you, drop it immediately…never mind if it’s a well-known author or a must-read classic.

Dream up your story and take notes, write down everything you observe and that touches you: a scene, an exchange of words, an ad that is in keeping with your mood of the day, somebody you see in the metro…

Then, just go for it ! Think of a title. Write a few scenes—you don’t necessarily have be start by the beginning. It’s important to write regularly. You need to find your routine. … But don’t let anyone ready your copy, your text is fragile: you are in a creative state !

All the information on how to write your novel

Last tip: participate in our waouh me contest ! « My most beautiful love declaration for a project » by posting it on Facebook and maybe win a coaching program for « I am writing a book »!

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