Hurray for Ham Toast by Gilles Vérot


If you just cannot resist a furious urge for braised pig... Buy  2 jambonneaux hams from Gilles Vérot or your charcutier… And turn them into ultra sexy tartines to enjoy with your buddies during the week-end. A must.

The hams must be grilled on a very hot grillés barbecue at half height for 30 min. Cut the eggplants into average-sized slices and grill them with the jambonneaux.

Meanwhile, marinate the cherry tomatoes cut in two with the chiseled basil and the olive oil, season.

Verify the cooking with the tip of knife before serving the crumbled hams on grilled eggplants. Garnish with cherry tomatoes.


Also discover the savoury tartine with roasted mirabelles and the tartines of rabbit rillettes by Gilles Vérot.

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