You'll die less stupid: the series that makes you smarter

Tu Mourras Moins Bete

We can no longer say that we lack time to pimp our IQ and our culture G. Arte has found the solution to make us really smarter with 30 episodes of 3 minutes flat. T he 3rd season of the animated series You will die less stupid arrives to answer all the existential scientific questions that we all ask ourselves in secret.

Science: the new cool!

Série humoristique en Bande Dessiné de Marion Montaigne

Before, there was Once Upon a Time and the wise old Maestro who taught toddlers (and their parents) how the human body works in 25 minutes. Today, there is You will die less stupid : this series specializing in " scientifico-trash " makes the subject of science really cool.

What is a narcissistic pervert? How can we sometimes rejoice in the misfortune of the other? Why are some people not photogenic? Are great scholars humanly better than others?

The episodes, full of nods to popular culture from series like CSI or Grey's Anatomy , twist the necks of a thousand preconceived ideas and taboos. Yes, it is impossible for a woman to have an MRI scan with a fork stuck in her neck. No, evidence with biological traces should not be stored in plastic, but in a paper bag to prevent mold.

Focus on the psychological faults of man

Professor Mustache (voice of Francois Morel) decked his assistant and eternal scapegoat Nathanael responds with humor to scientific questions readers send in fake postcard, while trying to be as scientifically rigorous as possible.

A series from a comic book

bande dessiné de Marion Montaigne

At the origin of this series? The humorous blog You will die less stupid of the author Marion Montaigne , then published in comic strip . The drawing makes it possible to script a universe where nothing is serious and where everything is possible, while humor desecrates science and shows that it is within everyone's reach.

While arousing everyone's curiosity, the author allows us to laugh at this human nature which can sometimes turn out to be a little distressing.

Dissemination of Season 3 of u 2 March to 19 April at 20:50 and rebroadcast on Arte seasons 1 and 2 from April 20 to 28 June 2020. See also replay on youtube and .

Also discover Madame Sarfati's comedy club and the unmissable series of the year .

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