A cinema screening at your place every evening at 8:30 p.m.!

Cinematheque Henri

Fed up with Netflix , Les Gendarmes and Les Bronzés ? Do you miss the auteur cinemas of the Latin Quarter? Have you skimmed through all of Arte's cycles?

Henri, the online platform of the French cinematheque

Phew… The eminent Frédéric Bonnaud and the entire French film library team have imagined a new free online cinema platform, Henri , to continue their mission… at home!

It's up to you to follow the programming very closely! During confinement: a new surprise feature film comes out every evening at 8:30 p.m. on display in your living room and feeds into the platform ...

Not a blockbuster or a heritage classic. No. A nugget or a renewed rarity like the special broadcast of Nobody is in the Place of Nobody , a splendid film which follows the work of the singer Christophe until his concert at the Olympia .

The fall of House Usher and other masterpieces

Another series of films to perfect your culture of the 7th art as if you were a student at the Sorbonne: an incredible Jean Epstein cycle, starting with his masterpiece The Fall of the Usher House (1928) based on the bestseller by Edgar Poe .

The pitch? Lord Roderick Usher , worried about his suffering companion, welcomes a childhood friend to his home with a strange and oppressive atmosphere, after having called him for help.

Henri Langlois, founder of the film library and famous signature of the Cahiers du cinéma, deciphers this anthological film better than anyone: “ In this masterpiece everything contributes to its unity. The absolute mastery of the editing, of the rhythm where slow motion, superimpositions, tracking shots, the mobile camera play their part and never for free: there is not an image, a technical process that is not there to embellish the film; they are there to impress us in the noblest sense like the images and the cadence of a verse. ”To see or see again obviously.

Henri : the new free online platform of the French cinematheque.

Also discover the 3 alternatives to Netflix and the new social thriller with Alex Lutz and Eric Cantona on Arte

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