Why are you going to love The Daily Boss's debut novel?

Les Petit Garcons

If many journalists have the secret fantasy of writing their first novel , not all of them manage to take the plunge. This is done for Théodore Bourdeau , the editorial producer of the Quotidien program, who has just written for Stock Les petits jeunes , an autobiographical account on friendship and the discovery of the adult world .

A fascinating learning novel

Is a child ever ready to face the cruelty of the adult world? Answer with two little boys , the narrator and his friend Grégoire, main characters of the novel. After meeting around a story of stolen marshmallows in the mistress's office, the two children grow up together and support each other to become men .

While Grégoire traces his path in politics to reach the highest spheres of power , the narrator (who looks like two drops of water like Théodore himself), moves towards journalism . Impossible not to wonder about his own awakening to the world by seeing these two characters evolve as endearing as they are different from each other.

A stripping tone

The talent of Théodore Bourdeau? Mix laughter and tears . With a narrator camped in the sneakers of a little boy , we first recognize the characteristic humor of Theodore embodied by Yann Barthès in the Daily show on TMC , for example when the teenager discovers for the first time a ball of shit : “ The hairy man pulled out of his shoe what I first identified as a small piece of wood. On closer inspection, it looked more like a little piece of dried shit. But I didn't really see the point of walking around with a piece of dry turd in the pumps.

The novel is no less overwhelming , especially when it describes the first tears of the child forced to leave the cocoon : “ I was leaving for school (…) wondering above all why I always had to , in life, to move away from familiar sweets to take the risk of the outside world. ”In short, a jubilant mix of perfectly balanced ingredients.


Through the story of a life that shows the wonders and horrors of the modern world , Théodore Bourdeau signs a fine and successful first novel on the joys and fears of his generation. A luminous story to put in everyone's hands!

The Little Boys , Théodore Bourdeau, Stock

Also discover What do you think of the latest Houellebecq? and Three Highly Exciting Novels .

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