The feel good film to watch this week

Comment Jai Retrouve Mon Pere

It’s the feel good movie of the week ! “Comment j’ai rencontré mon père”, a dramatic comedy with François Xavier Demaison. The pitch? Eliott and Ava decide to adopt a child of African origins. But everything gets complicated when the child is persuaded he is the son of a migrant whom he just met on the beach. Amusing  situations guaranteed.

Our 3 good reasons not to miss this little nugget:

  • Because this is the feel good version of Welcome, a very moving film on immigration with Vincent Lindon, as a modern day hero, trying to help a Kurd refugee to cross the Channel. Here a little boy opens the door of his room to an African he recognizes as his own father and upsets al the codes. Committed without trying to give lessons, this comedy will allow you to spend a pleasant and light moment.
  • Because the duo François-Xavier Demaison (L’Outsider, Comme des frères) and Isabelle Carré (Les Sentiments, Ange et Gabrielle) functions beautifully: an awkward father with too much love for his son, facing a slightly uptight lawyer mother. Or when two leading French actors face each other in a fab décor borrowed from the XXL beaches of the Hauts de France.
  • Because, for once, the theme of kinship is treated with intelligence and not beating around the bush. There is the father who is having a hard time accepting his status of “adoptive father” and who is constantly carrying on, repeating the story of this origins to Enguerrand. And the mother who is running out of steam trying to carry this family as best she can. But the arrival Kwabéna is going to help this family unite.

“Comment j’ai rencontré mon père” by Maxime Motte, to be released stating the 7th of June 2017.

Also discover Missions, the new serie to watch with your man.

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