How to redo the extraordinary pissaladière of Baieta?

Recette Pissaladiere

Freshly starred, Baieta , Julia Sedefdjian's restaurant is a killer with its signature cuisine from the south. Suffice to say that his pissaladière is a must . Luckily, the chef gave us her recipe .

For 12 people


Peel the onions , chop them finely and put them in a large saucepan with the olive oil , the garlic cloves and the bouquet garni . Season with salt and pepper, cover and cook over low heat for 45 minutes.

Remove the garlic at the end of cooking.

Prepare the leaven: on a work surface or in a bowl, put 125 g of flour , hollow out a fountain and add the yeast dissolved in a little lukewarm water . Mix everything to obtain a ball of dough and let it rest covered with a cloth. In half an hour, the dough should double in size.

Have crown the remaining flour, added to the medium the water, olive oil, salt. Work the dough by adding water until consistency. Add the sourdough to the dough and knead everything. Let stand for an hour, covered.

Oil a tart mold or a baking sheet, roll out the dough on 1/2 cm thick, add the onions , decorate with anchovies and olives .

Put in the oven, previously heated, for 18 minutes at 190 degrees.

Pepper when removing from the oven.


Also discover the most stylish pie of winter .

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