The new successful healthy method!

Justabetterme Principal

Just 14 days to combine detox + yoga + positive waves that will give you a post holiday boost  and make you look tops ? We all dream of it!  Except that each time it’s too expensive, too complicated and you just give up …

Cool! We have found the new super positive therapy signed Elodie Cavalier, the French health guru who has put together an efficient new program for only 2€ per day.

Launching date: the 14th of  September Just sign up!

Its concept? Healthy two-week « on line» stints with professional coaches who motivate you every day.

The result? After 3 days: you sleep better, your tummy is nice and flat, you have a glowing complexion and are in a long lasting feel-good mood.

How does it works? Every morning you receive an instruction sheet: shopping list + delicious and easy recipes+ ultra trendy yoga program with movements and tutorials (in addition you discover Voga !) + beauty and anti-stress routines + mantra and positive thinking. Everything is planned with precision and good humor.

Cool: a member access to ask questions, exchange, discover special focus issues in addition to the program with your coach.


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