When French women open up about their sexuality

Documentaire Les Francaises Au Lit

How often do you make love? Have you ever pretended? What about sodomy? In the docu(l)mentary Les Françaises au lit , broadcasted Thursday the 22nd of November on Téva, 20 French women discuss without any filtre their sexual practices. Instructive, surprising and very juicy.

Sex from 19 to 78 years old

They are students, mothers, retired, living as a couple or alone, heterosexual, lesbian, bis. Their common denominator? They all accepted to speak out freely about their intimacy.

Emilie Bourdon and film director Eloïse Malet toured France on board a van transformed into a micro-studio (but it’s not the size that counts) to gather the confidences of these next door women encountered during this road trip, from Paris to Lyon including Rennes and Arcachon.

A rare testimony that breaks all the taboos

At a time when pornography is just as accessible as “private sales”, it is rare to hear (normal) women express themselves regarding their desires, their fantasies and how they get their kicks.

The good idea? A sexotherapist, a sociologist and a sexologist chip in with their comments to shed more light on the subject.

Les Françaises au lit, on Téva the 22nd of November at 8:50pm.


Also check out 7 things to know about the pénis and 5 things to know about the clitoris.

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