New words to know when you're single

Sexo Dating

The separation is done! You are single again. Good news ! But are you up to date on the habits and customs of the great dating market today? Don't go head-on, unhappy, you risk getting eaten raw. We give you some essential information and then, we promise, we let you go.

Since the beginning of the world, romantic relationships have obeyed strange, sometimes disconcerting, often exasperating, rules that have exhausted generations of lovers waiting wisely in front of their homing pigeon. But since smartphones, social networks and online dating have added to all this din, the case has become even more difficult. Woe to anyone who goes in search of a soul mate with a flower with a gun, because the codes have (again) changed.

Do not panic, we explain the strange customs of dating in 2020 , a story that you understand well where you set foot. Come on, hopefully you won't even get kanyer. What? Decoder ...


Kanyer c'est quelqu'un qui ne parle que de lui

This one, we love it, because we can bring it out in many situations. To be kanyer is to pass a lead in front of this individual that we were so anxious to meet, with whom we were eager to talk, and who, however, for an hour and a half, has only spoken ... from him.

Yes, like Kanye West , Kim K's husband ! You will see, there are plenty of people who have a great passion in life today even more than yesterday: themselves. Their profession, their travels, their fascinating thoughts on the world of today and tomorrow (Zzzzz), you will know everything about them (and them nothing about you) if you take the trouble to drink their words. A word of advice, run away.


Le Dial Toning consiste à donner son numéro sans jamais répondre à la personne à qui on l’a donné

Tuuuuuut, tuuuuuuut, you are of course on Bidule's answering machine, leave me a message, tcho! "Have you heard this message 17 times since trying to reach said Bidule, but never managed to speak to him? However, it is his 06, you recognized his voice and his so sexy way of saying “ tcho ”. You've made yourself dial-toner .

This strange practice consists of spinning his 06, the real one, without ever responding to the person to whom it was given. NEVER. For your information, it is likely that your number has been appropriately registered by Bidule at “ Do not answer ”. Yes, it's ugly.


Orbiting c'est quelqu'un qui mate mais qui ne touche pas.

Regaaaaaarde, he watched my story, he loves me, I'm sure of it! ”And yet, it's weird, he doesn't call you, doesn't offer to see you, doesn't even put a tiny like under your coolest posts. Your bride is an orbiting fan , yes, like the eye.

In short, he mate, but he does not touch. The orbiting is especially practiced by exes unfamiliar with new technologies, and therefore not necessarily aware that you see quite they are the prem's to pounce on your stories as soon as you post. Is that so ? Does the person know when I'm looking at their stories? Yes…


Breadcrumbing veut dire jeter quelques miettes d'attention sur quelqu'un

Do you see those old ladies throwing little breadcrumbs at pigeons? No, you're not going to end up like this. However, this is exactly what breadcrumbers do . They occasionally throw you a few crumbs of attention that you throw yourself like misery on the world, just to keep you warm.

A simple “ I 'm fine ”, without a question mark or even a little family emoji , and you are off again full of hope towards this magnificent relationship with your beloved sex plan ? You are the victim of a breadcrumber. If you have a small appetite, why not (though). But we say, a good baguette sandwich is still better.


stashing c'est voir sa date mais sans son entourage

We cannot say that this trend is new. We are many to have experienced it in college. Remember when you were secretly rolling shovels at that cute guy in your class, but he preferred it “ kept secret ”? And there you go.

Today, it has a name: stashing . If, after weeks of mad passion, your lover persists in wanting to take advantage of you only one-on-one (or spank-to-butt), preferably late at night, without ever offering you to see his friends , his family, or even his neighbors (“ He's very shy ”), you're likely to get stashed. Even he has someone (that his family knows). Even several someone. Bhou.

Cookie jarring

cookie jarring veut dire avoir plusieurs partenaires

Yum ! Can you visualize her, the beautiful, big glass jar filled with hot plump cookies just waiting to be pounded? Well the cookie is you. Basically, cookie jarring enthusiasts , tough , hungry fellows, always keep a small supply of cookies to keep them going.

Monogamy, very little for them. So they go shopping online or elsewhere for that matter (why settle for Deliveroo , there are some really cool things to do in small markets), and they collect their loot. Hop, in the jar! Without any shame. Yes, that cuts your appetite a bit ...


prowling veut dire Fuis-moi je te suis, suis-moi je te fuis

Run away from me I follow you, follow me I run away from you ”. You've met a guy you like blah but hey, it's Monday night, so why not. He looks crazy to you, watching you as if you were Emily Ratajkowski showing up in a nightie in this dingy restaurant (and not you in leggings that appeared shaggy from Pilates ). Suddenly, you almost start to hang on. And presto, he disappears. Long time. Then he reappears. Phew. And disappears again. It drives you crazy, you stomp. “ Nah but I didn't EVEN like it ”.

Don't flog yourself, you've been dealing with a pro… prowling , that vile tactic that's very popular with bad guys. Watch out (or else quit, go straight for someone you like to death).

Also discover the sex columnist of Le Monde and the Frex phenomenon .

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