The healthy summer recipe by Angèle's guinguette

Eau A La Peche

We no longer need to introduce Angèle Ferreux Maeght , the founder of La guinguette d'Angèle , the spot that is creating a buzz among fashion editors in Paris for its healthy and sexy dishes. On the occasion of the hot weather, we go to the stove to make the Summer Beauty recipe , from his highly photogenic book Eaux et infusions détox published by Marabout .

Ingredients to shop

For about 1.5 liters

1 peach

1 punnet of cucumber flowers

1 handful of verbena leaves

1.5 liters of water

A few ice cubes


Wash the peach, cut it into quarters. In a decanter,

insert the ice cubes, peach quarters, flowers

cucumber and verbena leaves. Add water.

Leave to infuse for 20 minutes in the fridge.


draining, promotes intestinal balance. To be consumed throughout the day.

Also discover: the flowing caramel babka from Babka Zana and a good passion margarita to sip .

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