Taming your mane

Dorloter Sa Tignasseprinc

Dry, dull, flat hair, split ends? These are tell-tale signs that should not be taken lightly. To avoid more serious damage, it’s better to act quickly.

The efficient remedy? Sachajuan shampoo and conditioner for dry hair. A super moisturizing combo, filled with minerals and algae proteins that nourishes, reinforces, conditions and gives shine. It would really be too bad to bypass it.

Sachajuan, Dry Hair Shampoo, 18€ & Dry Hair Conditioner, 21€. Sold at Bon Marché.


Also discover the new successful healthy method

Where to find it?

Le Bon Marché Rive Gauche

24, rue de Sèvres

75007 Paris

01 44 39 80 00


Sèvres-babylone Sèvres-babylone

Vaneau Vaneau

Sèvres-babylone Sèvres-babylone

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