The very trendy ceviche at Rech

Rech Ceviche Pierre Monetta

The latest trend? Ceviche ! A plate of raw fish as light as it is fragrant. Ideal to jump into Spring without exploding the calorie counter.


1. Cut up the sea bass filets into 1 cm by 1 cm cubes.

2. Put the carrots and peeled ginger in a blender than put this juice in a pan on low flame until it reduces by 2/3 and allow to cool down.

3. Press the yellow and green lemons while cutting up the violet carrots into thin sticks.

4. In a salad bowl, place the sea bass cubes, add the juice of a green lemon, the carrot/ginger juice and a dash of olive oil. Salt lightly.

5. Present in a small bowl and decorate with the violet carrot sticks and the zests of a green lemon.


Also discover the sea bass ceviche of Beatriz Gonzalez and the sea bass carpaccio of the restaurant La Lorraine.

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240 g of skinless sea bass

3 carrots

50 gr of ginger

½ purple carrot

2 green lemons

1 yellow lemon

Dash of olive oil

Flower of salt


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