The sea bass ceviche of Beatriz Gonzalez


The ceviche recipe of Beatriz Gonzalez, the Mexican chef of the Left Bank Grande Epicerie restaurant, whose style is based on subtle mixes of sweet/salty as well as touches of perfectly dosed acidity on the plates.

For 4 persons • Preparation: 40 min

To make the marinade :

Use the zests of an orange and a green lemon, then collect the juice.

In a recipient, combine the zests, the juice, the sparkling water and the olive oil. Season with the sea salt and pepper.

Mince thinly all the vegetables, the apple and set in the marinade.

Cut the sea bass in small and marinate about 10 min.

Once the elements have marinated well, drain carefully and place in semi-spherical moulds. Cool and set aside.

For the presentation :

Unmold a half-spehre of ceviche in a hollow plate. Decorate with all the herbs and flowers.


Also discover the cob fish recipe by Béatriz Gonzalez and the scallop carpaccio with mimolette cheese.

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- 2 filets of sea bas

- 50 g of white onion

- 1 cucumber

- 1 carrot

- 1 celery stick

-  1 Granny Smith apple

-  50 ml of green lemon juice (2 pieces)

-  50 ml of orange juice (2 pieces)

-  50 ml of apple juice

-  33 cl of sparkling water

-  Reims vinegar, aged for 6 years in an oak barrel

-  Olive oil

-  Sea salt

-  Pepper

-  Herbs (aniseed, chives)

-  Edible flowers: Fennel, marigold, cucumber

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