Escape to a château worthy of Queen Margot only 1h45 from Paris !

Chateau Rivau

Who never dreamt of slipping into the skin of the sexy Angélique la Marquise des anges or naughty Queen Reine Margot ? Well, the good news is that we have found the of your dreams to satisfy your whims as a contemporary princess seeking a bucolic escapade....

An amazing château

Four-poster beds, fireplaces, contemporary art, gardens à la Française and royal stables… have made Château de Rivau the darling refuge of Parisiennes looking for an off-the-beaten track escapade.

Imagine the perfect mix and match between the furiously vintage Medieval touch and and a modern atmosphere...

The rooms are decorated in a very Game of Thrones style, with silk fabrics, four-poster beds and quilted cushions for a resolutely princely lifestyle.

A contemporary art garden

So just slip on a pair of boots to go for a stroll, breath fresh air in 14 gardens classified as “Jardins Remarquables”...

Patricia Laigneau, the owner, is showcasing 20 monumental works of Contemporary Art outdoors, such as the merry-go-round of Pierre Ardouvin or the "Tour Du Bois Dormant" of Dominique Bailly…  The spirit of the La Coste or Maeght dans Foundation in the Loire region.

A vegetable garden restaurant potager

The must? Having lunch in the outdoor garden restaurant of the château… supplied by the wonderful produce from the vegetable garden. “Made in… here “. A salad from the garden, a good wine brought up from the incredible cellar and lunch on the grass: you are in paradise.

A wonderful outing with the kids

Drawbridge, moats and dungeons : kids feels as they were literally transported in a decor worthy of “Robin Hood” or Merlin the Magician.

A definite promise that they will be absolutely enchanted and will make you the parents royally satisfied.

The one night formula with breakfast is at the price of €250. All the information on:

Also discover the country house cut off from the world.

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