How to make an English toast worthy of a real English Lord's breakfast?

English Breakfast

This is the signature recipe for an English breakfast as we like to serve them in aristo-chic clubs like Lord Brett Sinclair in Amicalement Vôtre .

On a platter with smoked black tea and egg toast, please! How to spice up this classic with a French twist? By replacing the bacon with a Montbéliard sausage .

English toast preparation

Recipe for 2 people

Cook the Montbéliard sausage for 20 minutes in a saucepan of simmering water.

Remove from the heat, cut it into slices.

In a pan pour a tablespoon of olive oil, cook the slices of sausages and the mushrooms cut into thin strips until the mushrooms are golden.

In the same pan, cook the eggs in the pan.

Heat the white beans in another pan and quickly pour into a blender .

Mix until a paste is obtained then season with a pinch of salt, pepper and cumin.

Prepare your English breakfast toast, starting with the white bean paste, then the fried egg, the sausage rings, the mushrooms and finally the sundried tomatoes.

Add a pinch of salt, pepper and chopped chives.


Also find the 3 cult recipes of the Nice restaurant and the recipe for salted beet, apple and onion tatin .

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