The cheese that dethrones brie with truffles

Camembert Pate Noisette

It is the pheno food of winter. After a few years of obsession with truffled brie , hazelnut camembert is the popular product that is being snapped up in signature cheese dairies in Paris.

Do you dream of testing it? The recipe from the French dairy industry (Cniel) with the support of the European Union is quite simple and super quick to make for a wow effect on a Christmas cheese board … Result? A sensation that approaches the flavors of Paris-Brest , less sugar.

The good tip: you can replace the crème fraîche with cream cheese spread. As for the hazelnut puree , it can be found in organic stores, but you can replace it with additional ground hazelnuts. Let’s do us a favor , #Spray.


Mix the heavy cream with the hazelnut puree , then add the coarsely crushed hazelnuts, salt and pepper.

Cut the Camembert in half crosswise then place the hazelnut mixture in the center of one half and cover with the other half.

Wrap the cheese in plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator for a few hours, ideally overnight so that the flavors mix.

Mon Fromage et Moi, a campaign funded with the support of the European Union

Photography © Julie Mechali / Recipe and styling Annelyse Chardon / CNIEL

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