The divine soup Kale

Veloute Froid Chou Kale Avocat Citron Et Grenade

We will never repeat it enough, kale is the detox food by excellence, favored by Gwyneth Paltrow and her healthy group of friends. Here is proof that this cabbage can take on gourmet and sexy allures while being diet-compatible. An easy recipe to whip up in 10 minutes flat.


Bring the broth to a boil. Meanwhile, cut the ribs of the kale cabbage, you will only be using the greens. Mince the cabbage and plunge it in the broth. Cook for 5 minutes. Remove from the flame until tepid.

Take out the avocado pits and cut the flesh into pieces in a blender. Squeeze the lemon juice and add it in the blender.

Drain the cabbage with a ladle and put it in the blender. Mix all together adding the broth little by little until the texture is velvety.

Pour the velvety soup in a salad bowl, salt and pepper, allow to cool completely before placing in a fresh spot for at least one hour.

Open the pomegranates and detach the seeds making sure to remove the thin surrounding skin.

When serving, distribute the soup in glass containers and add the pomegranate seeds. Serve very fresh.


Also discover the green detox smoothie and the homemade detox juice.

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Ingredients :

6 leaves of kale cabbage (it can be found at the Monoprix vegetable department )

2 ripe avocados

2 BOUQUET pomegranates

1 yellow lemon

30 cl of vegetable broth

Salt, white ground pepper

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