The perfect avocado ice cream combo

Recette Glace A L Avocat

Are you a die-hard fan of ice cream and avocado ? The frozen avocado is the perfect mix between the two.

For 4 people


Peel the avocados , stone them and cut the flesh into pieces.

Take the zest of the lime and squeeze the fruit to collect the juice.

Mix the lemon juice with the Coconut Bjorg vegetable drink and stir with a whisk: the preparation will precipitate.

Leave to rest for 15 minutes in the refrigerator to obtain the consistency of yogurt.

Mix the pieces of avocado with the preparation of the coconut and lemon vegetable drink and honey (at your convenience).

Take this preparation in an ice cream maker, following the instructions of the appliance.

Place in the freezer until ready to serve.


Also discover how to make your homemade ice cream.

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