Hummus with mint

Recette Houmous Pois Casses Menthe

It's the latest hummus trend . Blend almonds, split peas and mint . You will get an all green hummus.

Preparation: 10 minutes

Cooking: 40 minutes

For 2 people


The day before, soak the split peas in a large volume of cold water .

The next day, cook them in four times their volume of water 40 min.

Drain them, reserving their cooking juices .

Peel the garlic and mince it.

Place the split peas and garlic in the blender bowl with the rest of the ingredients.

MIX in spurts until the mixture is smooth.

Add 3 tbsp. tablespoons drippings and MIX again.

Serve chilled, decorated with mint leaves

Tip: This hummus tends to solidify as it cools. If it seems too thick to you, add a little cooking liquid to it and mix it again.

Livre de recette de Samuel Loutaty, éditions First

My blender recipes by Samuel Loutaty at Editions First, € 7.95

Also discover: the rillettes that make you happy .

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