Do you know Indian ice cream?

Recette Kulfi Glace Indienne

The Kulfi is the traditional ice came from Bombay, with milk, almonds, spices and pistachio, popularized in France by Christophe Michalak. A concentrate of comfort food to enjoy when it's hot!

Preparation: 15 minutes

Cold setting: 3 hours minimum

For 6 persons


Place the crushed cardamom in a container, pour 3 tablespoons of hot water and let steep for 15 minutes.

Crush the pistachios and almonds .

Remove the cardamom pods . Add the sweet and unsweetened condensed milks , the crème fraîche and the crushed dried fruits . Mix with a whisk until a homogeneous preparation is obtained. Pour the mixture into a container or small molds and place in the freezer for at least 3 hours.

Recipe and styling: AnneCé Bretin

© Amélie Roche / Cniel

Also discover: the best vegan ice cream in Paris .

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