The amazing fitters of Christophe Adam

Recette Beignets Vanille De Christophe Adam

In his book “vanilla”, chef Christophe Adam shares his furiously foodporn recipe for vanilla fritters. Dig in!

For 8 vanilla fritters.

Preparation of the fritter batter :

In a blender vat with a hook, pour the flour, sugar, salt, yeast and the eggs. Careful not to put the yeast and the salt in contact.

Knead at slow speed. When the dough is thick, incorporate the soft butter and knead at average speed. The kneading lasts between 5 and 10 minutes, the dough becomes elastic. When the dough unsticks from the sides, stop, cover with a cloth and allow to bloat one hour at room temperature.

The dough must double in volume, degas it (push on top to eliminate the fermentation gas) and allow to sit for 2 hours in the refrigerator.

When the dough is cold, flatten it on a 1 cm thickness, cut up discs

and allow to sit for 20’ minutes in a warm room.

Cook the fritters in frying oil at 175 °C, 3 minutes on each side.

Place them with the help of a skimmer on absorbing paper.

Preparation of the vanilla custard cream :

In a pot, boil the milk with the slit and grated vanilla pods, then allow to infuse with a cover during 20 minutes.

In the upper part of a double boiler, mix the sugar and the cream powder, then add the egg and the yolk.

Beat until the mixture whitens.

Slowly sieve the warm vanilla milk over the preparation while mixing. Pour everything in the pot and cook on a low flame until it boils, then another casserole 3 minutes after it boils, constantly stirring.

Allow to cool down at room temperature.

Preparation of the presentation :

Using a pastry bag and a plain tip, fill up the fritters with custard cream. After removing them from the frying pot and when they are still warm, sprinkle them with icing sugar.

Also discover the pecan pie recipethe recipe for trifle and the white chocolate spread recipe.

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The fritter dough :

- 250g OF T45 flour

- 30g de caster sugar

- 1,5g of fine salt

- 10g of fresh yeast

- 150g of eggs (3 small eggs)

- 80g of room temperature butter

- Frying oil

Vanilla custard cream :

- 495g of whole milk

- 2,5 vanilla pods

- 60g of caster sugar

- 35g of cream powder

- 60g of whole egg + 10 g of yolk (½ yolk)

- 30g of soft butter

The presentation :

-Icing sugar

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