Tripes: the new trendy phenomenon

Recette Rognons De Porc

In keeping with retromania, tripes are making their big trendy come-back and appealing to top chefs. Who would have believed it, sublime onions deglazed with honey and balsa are going to create a sensation with your foodie buddies. Demonstration.

Preparation: 15 minutes
Cooking: 20 minutes

For 4 persons


Peel the onion and the shallot, cut in thin strips.

Slowly pan fry the onion and the shallot with a dash of olive oil until they become translucid, add the balsamic vinegar, cook 2 to 3 minutes on a high flame while mixing and allow to cook on a low flame until complete evaporation of the vinegar.

Heat up a nut of butter in a pan, colour the kidneys for fifteen minutes on a moderate flame, remove the extra fat if need be, salt and pepper, add the honey, the glazed onion and the shallot, mix and cook 2 minutes on a low flame.

Serve the pork onions and honey with glazed onions, sprinkled with shredded thyme, rosemary and serve with fresh pasta.

Amélie Roche, Produits tripiers.
Discover also the easy recipe of the "crying tiger"

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- 4 pork kidneys open in half and with nerves removed

- 1 big onion

- 1 shallot

-  A few twigs of fresh thyme

-  1 branch of fresh rosemary

-  2 tablespoons of honey

-  30 cl of balsamic vinegar

-  Butter

-  Olive oil

-  Fleur de sel and ground pepper

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