Tis the season: test the pumpkin pie !

Pumpkin Pie

If there is a moment in the year to prepare Pumpkin Pie, it’s really now! How comforting this delicious pumpkin pie with spices will be.

Preparation: 30 min
Cooking: 45 min                                                                                                                                                                                         
For 4 persons


Prepare the dough :
pour the flour and thecinnamonin a salad bowl.

Dig a well in the middle, add the butterand 10 cl of water.

Mix with your fingertips.

Form a ball and set aside while you prepare the garnishing.

Preheat the oven to 175 °C (th. 5-6). Whip the eggs with the cream, themashed pumpkin, the vergeoise and the spices.

Roll the dough with a pastry pin on a counter covered with flour.

Place the dough in a pie mould, cut the excess dough using the pastry pin on the sides.

Keep the rest of the dough to decorate the pie. Pour the garnishing at the bottom of the tart.

Spread the rest of the dough, cut 3 fine strips and create a braid that you will place alongside the mould. Humidify the braid so that it holds up well. Bake for 45 min.

Variation: replace the fleurette cream with sweet concentrated milk.

Livre de recette Hachette Cuisine Editions

Excerpted from Banoffees, Carrot Cakes, Banana Breads & Co by Stéphanie de Turckheim, photographs by Nicolas Lobbestaël, styling by Ayumi Lida at Hachette Cuisine, €7.99

Also discover the lemon meringue pie, the pecan pie recipe and the rustic coconut-pineapple tart.

written by


For the dough

- 215 g of flour

- 1 teaspoon of powdered cinnamon

- 125 g of semi-salty butter

For the garnishing

- 3 eggs

- 12,5 cl of wholefleurettecream

- 500 g of mashed pumpkin

- 80 g of ambered vergeoise

- 1 teaspoon of powdered cinnamon

- ½ teaspoon of powdered ginger

- 1 pinch of grated nutmeg

- 1 pinch of grated clove

- 1 pinch of salt

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