The secret of Michel et Augustin’s chocolate cake

Recette Fondant Au Chocolat De Michel Et Augustin

A chocolate cake, that wonderful dessert of our childhood, which even as an adult, makes us feel weak in the knees! Impossible to resist when faced with this all-chocolate delight.

Preparation: 25 min
Cooking: 25 min
Resting: 30 min

For 6 persons

Preparation :

Weigh all your ingredients and preheat your oven to 190 °C.

Melt your chocolate in a double boiler or a micro-wave.

It’s melted? Perfect. You can add the butter in pieces and make it melt again for a few moments! Mix well so that the preparation becomes homogenous.

Incorporate the sugar in a fine rain. Mix. Smile, life is great!

Add one egg after another while thinking of mixing well with the whip each time. Patience, you will see, the result is well worth it.

Finally add, the flour and mix with a whip. Keep on going!

Butter your springform mould. You are almost done.

Delicately pour your preparation in the mould.

Head for the oven and bake 25 min at 190 °C.

It will still be kind of “bouncy” when you take it out of the oven. That’s normal! Allow your mould to sit for at least 30 min, then unmould in 2 steps: first on a plaque, it will then be upside down, then on your prettiest plate so that it is right side up.

© Michel et Augustin

Discover also bun with rhum and almonds and the vegan chocolate delight.

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- 200 g of milk chocolate

- 150 g of butter

- 150 g of sugar

- 5 eggs

- 30 g of flour

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