Heavens, a pavlova...


© Guillaume Czerw

“This is the entire version. Note that the preparation for the cream must begin the night before,” explique Christophe Adam, the star pastry chef, creator of l'Éclair de Génie, at the origin of the book, Fraise ,published by Éditions de La Martinière.

Pour 4 persons


The night before, slit and grate the vanilla pods.

Add them (with the seeds) to the cream in a pan, bring to a boil, cover, allow to infuse 10 minutes then pass through a sieve. Allow to cool down.

Add the mascarpone and the glazed sugar; mix with a hand blender. Cover and keep in a cool place until the next day.


Preheat the oven to 120 °C. Beat the egg whites into snow peaks with the vinegar. When they start or rise, add the Maïzena®, then the sugar in three times.

When the whites are peaked (when you raise the whip, you must see small curved points), stop the engine.

The meringue must be shiny and smooth. Introduce it into a pouch with a smooth tip and poach it on a plaque garnished with sulfurized paper in the shape of a rather thick dish, the edges being thicker than the center.

Bake for about 1 h 15: the middle of the meringue must be soft. Allow to cool down.


Take the cream out of the refrigerator and beat it into a chantilly. Introduce the major part in a pouch with a smooth average tip and the rest in a pouch with a small smooth tip.

Wash the fruit. Remove the stems of the strawberries, delicately wipe them dry with absorbing paper and cut into round shapes. Detach the tops of the basil.

Generously garnish the pavlova with chantilly. Prettily place the strawberries on the chantilly. Decorate with basil tips and small points of chantilly. Serve immediately.

recettes fraise Christophe Adam

Fraise, by Christophe Adam at the Editions de La Martinière, 12,90 €.

Also discover the strawberry tiramisu of Julie Andrieuthe Love Bowl by Raphaël Gruman and the light recipe for a carpaccio of strawberries.

written by



- 2 vanilla pods

- 300 g of whole liquid cream

- 30 g of mascarpone

- 80 g of sieved glazed sugar


- 120 g of egg whites at room temperature

- 1 teaspoon of white vinegar

- 1 tablespoon of Maïzena® corn starch

- 200 g of semolina sugar


- 350 g of strawberries

- A few branches of basil with small leaves

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