The Meatball Sandwich from café des Abattoirs

The Meatball Sandwich from café des Abattoirs

If you have not yet tested the fab meatball sandwich of Saturday lunch, its creator, Michel Rostang, two-star chef has shared with us the recipe to reproduce at home.

Meatball: Prepare the meat the night before: chop very finely the two chicken thighs (or ask your butcher to do it for you).

Ideally chop us the meat twice, then place it in the icebox overnight. Chisel the coriander and the onions very, add a pinch of salt, mix with the meat in order to obtain a homogenous mix , before shaping 5 balls (about 3 to 4 cm of diameter). Pan fry the meatballs.

Chimichurri Sauce: Finely chop the coriander and the garlic. Add the satay spices and the vinegar, before putting everything in the blender.  Slowly incorporate the olive oil, before adding the mayonnaise to soften.

Potato sticks: Cut the potato very finely with an indented mandoline. Then cook  (just like fries) in boiling oil preheated to 180°C during 6 to 7 minutes. Careful, you need to mix well so that the potato sticks don’t stick

Assembling: Cut a Viennese baguette bread in half as though as for a sandwich. Baste with sauce, add the 5 meatballs, then more sauce on top. Add the salad and the potato sticks. It’s ready, just enjoy!

Also discover the real lobster roll recipe and the recipe for msemmens, the crêpes feuilletées.

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Ingredients meatball sandwich:

- 2 yellow chicken thighs

- 1 bunch of coriander

- 1/2 finely chopped onion

- 1/3 French tradition baguette, or Viennese cake

- arugula salad

- a handful of potato sticks


Ingredients for the sauce (equivalent for 6 large sandwiches):

- 1 bunch of coriander

- 2 garlic cloves

- 2 tablespoons of satay soup

- 1 tablespoons of vinegar wine

- 1 dash of olive oil

- 2 tablespoons of house mayonnaise


- 1 big potato

- 1 handful of salad leaves

- 1 baguette of Viennese bread

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