An exhibition of mythical faces in Marseilles

Une Expo De Visages Mythiques A Marseille

Marseilles continues to impose its anchoring in the arty universe with this exhibition dedicated to faces.

From the jumbled faces of Picasso to the veiled heads of Magritte to pop portraits by Andy Warhol, more than 150 works retrace how the 20th century considers and looks at faces!

Because far from the realism of Renaissance, in modern and contemporary art, the representation of the face is often a reflection of the soul. A source of inspiration for Basquia, Robert Mapplethorpe, Hopper and many other famous artists.

We like: photos, paintings, sculptures, film excerpts … Various supports for portraits and selfies (formerly auto-portraits) to be discovered all along this introspective course.

Visages Picasso, Magritte, Warhol… Until 22 June 2014, every day from 10am to 6pm

Full rate 10 €

Andy Warhol, Jackie (1964), Musée de Grenoble

© musée de Grenoble / The Andy Warhol Foundation for the visual arts inc. / Adago, Paris 2014

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