Velvety watercress soup

Taken straight out of the book "Classiques d’hier et d’aujourd’hui" (classics of yesterday and today) published by Hachette Cuisine, this chic soup is a gourmet treat, that hits the spot with few calories, a must if you are on a diet. Dip in!

15 min of preparation time

40 min of cooking time

Step 1 :

Melt the butter in a pot. Add the potatoes previously peeled and diced up. Heat and stir for 2 min, then cover with 50 cl of water.

Step 2 :

Salt and let cook for about 10 min, until the potatoes are well cooked.

Then add the watercress and cook for 1 additional minute. Mix it all together with a long hand blender.

Step 3 :

Pepper the velvety mix, then add the ground ginger and the liquid cream. Serve nice and hot.


Recette et photo extraite de "classiques d'hier et d'aujourd'hui de la collection Fait Maison" d'Eva Harlé paru aux éditions Hachette Cuisine.

Photo: Aline Princet

Also discover the soup of cauliflower and bleu d'Auvergne cheese and the kale detox soup recipe.

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Ingredients for 4 persons :

- 8 potatoes (about 800 g)

- 400 g of watercress

- 1 pinch of ground ginger

- 15 cl of liquid cream

- 1 nut of butter

- Salt

- Ground pepper

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