How to make a good homemade gariguette cake?

Gateau Gariguettes

It's in season. French gariguettes land on market stalls. Our gourmet recipe for a strawberry cake: in 10 minutes and 3 spoon strokes, it's folded. A blow to the oven... and it's the treat.

The list of ingredients: 150g flour + 150g sugar + 2 eggs + 50g melted butter + 400g gariguettes (about 2 trays).


  • Preheat the oven to 200°C.


  • Cover your mold (20cm in diameter) with parchment paper and cut the edges that protrude.


  • In a bowl, mix the eggs and the sugar until you get a frothy and white mixture.


  • Add the flour and butter and gently fold them into the mixture using a spatula .


  • Wash, dry, stem and cut the Gariguette strawberries in half lengthwise and set aside.


  • Pour the batter into the mold.


  • On top of the dough, arrange the strawberries nicely rounded side down.


  • Bake everything for 40 to 45 minutes.


  • Allow the cake to cool before unmolding and serving it.

Also discover the Bontemps strawberry tart recipe and how to make an incredible strawberry cheesecake ?

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