A buddha bowl with white sauce

Budda Bowl

With a mix of quinoa, carrots, dates, avocado, pistachios, scallions and sesame, this little 100% veggie buddha bowl is a real delight. Its incredible white sauce will perfect the spring and healthy kiff. It's your turn.

Preparation: 25 minutes

Cooking: 10 minutes

For 4 people


Cook the cereal mixture in a pot of boiling water according to the time indicated on the package, drain and cool the preparation.

Clean all the vegetables . Peel the avocados and cut them into strips. Finely slice the spring onions . Remove the stems from the tomatoes and dice them. Cut the dates into thin strips.

Make the vinaigrette by mixing the St Morêt® , lemon juice , cumin and add 4 tablespoons of water to have a creamy consistency. Adjust the seasoning.

In a bowl, arrange the cereal at the bottom. Add the different vegetables cut on top in an organized way, alternating colors. Use the vinaigrette St Môret® for seasoning. Add the crushed dried fruits and fresh herbs at the last moment

Tips: Vary your vegetables according to the season. You can add cooked chicken breast!


Also discover the chili sin carne recipe .

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