How to make a good little crozet gratin?


Tic, tac… While waiting for the winter holidays (soon!), The season of processed cheese arrives with its batch of comfy recipes to wish to celebrate the big tables of friends. We open the season with an ultra-easy recipe for crozet gratin (these small square pastas perfect for gratins) with reblochon and raw ham from Savoie : a resolutely foodporn tartiflette 2.0.

The ingredients for 4 people

150 g buckwheat crozets

150 g plain crozets

4 or 5 slices of raw ham from Savoie

1 reblochon

50 cl of fresh cream

1 onion

salt pepper


Prepare the ingredients. Cook the crozets for 15 minutes in boiling salted water (4 times the volume of the crozets). Slice the onion , cut the raw ham into thin strips, and cut the reblochon into 4 parts. Brown the chopped onion. Drain the crozets.

Prepare the gratin . Pour the crozets into a large gratin dish , add the strips of raw ham, onion and crème fraîche . Place the 4 parts of reblochon in the center on top. Brown for 5 to 10 minutes at 180 ° C.

Serve with a salad .

The little extra tips: “Deglaze the onion with white wine and add a pinch of Provence herbs. You can also replace the reblochon with Beaufort!

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