The not to be missed play: Amou Tati in La dame de fer, aka The Iron Lady

La Piece De Theatre A Ne Pas Louper Amou Tati Dans La Dame De Fe

The stunning show of Tatiana Rojo. She recalls the story of her mother in Africa who has three silly girls, incapable of catching a man. She teaches them how to go about it.

It speaks of how women perceive men and the  perception of Africa on the Occident, particularly in France. Both cynical and very tender. It’s super funny, to be seen in a theater of the Goutte d’Or area.

Amou Tati in La dame de fer

More info on the Facebook page of the Lavoir Moderne Parisien

Where to find it?

Lavoir Moderne Parisien

35, rue Léon

75018 Paris

Marcadet-poissonniers Marcadet-poissonniers

Marcadet-poissonniers Marcadet-poissonniers

Chateau Rouge Chateau Rouge

The week of Do It